The Coolest Mobile Media Converter

About 3 years ago when I started my Linux adventure with ubuntu desktop server, one of the challenges I initially had was finding an easy way to convert videos to formats I could play on my mobile phone.  I remembered having to search through the web

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Why You Should Never Steal From a Linux Admin

Being a sysadmin does come with its ups and down.  It’s not a job which comes with glory or fame. The pay is bad and the work hours are long. Simply put system administration is a job for those who love and have a passion for administering computers

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My Perfect Kubuntu 10.04 Desktop

What is Colibri Colibri provides an alternative to KDE4 Plasma notifications. What I like about Colibri Colibri notifications look lighter and are completely passive: they do not provide any buttons. You may or may not like this. Since they are

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Dirty Fix for Yahoo Kopete Issue in Kde 4.4 on Kubuntu

Myself and kopete have always had this love/hate relationship. With my recent update to kde 4.4 our relationships took further nose dive when kopete refused to send my messages to my yahoo contacts even though i could receive messages from them. R

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A for Artha, The Awesome offline Dictionary for Linux

One area that I have always found lacking on Linux is a good Dictionary software. I have tired quite a few free and opensource dictionary software for linux, some  very good, but non had the WOW factor to keep me using them again and again.  Well tha

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My Smooth fonts setup for Kubuntu Karmic

The first thing which put me off after logging in to the kubuntu (9.10) desktop for the first time was the fonts.  They are two problems I have with the default Kubuntu fonts (Well the first one is not much of a problem but personal taste.) 1: The

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A walk in the Savannah

Walking is one of my favourite hobbies .   I always love to take an evening walk to no where in particular, just follow the road and see where it leads. It helps me think and clears my head of clutters. The first thing I fell in love with since  m

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