
Share You Internet wirelessly on Ubuntu

I wrote a guide earlier on how to share your internet connection on ubuntu. But the guide was  for non wireless sharing . well here is an updated version that allows you to share your internet connection wirelessly to other wireless  devices in your home by showing you how to create a ad-hoc wireless network on your laptop .

This guide works on ubuntu intrepid ibex with the new network manager  0.7. (am not sure if this would work on hardy heron using the backported network manager 0.7) anyway. to make this work we need to a package called dnsmasq-base which can be installed from synaptic or geekily via the terminal

sudo apt-get install dnsmasq-base

once installed the rest is easy

just left-click on the Network Manager Applet-> Create new wireless connection,



give your connection a name (you can even add encyption if you want.) click on “Create”


you should now see a message that says “Now you are connected to xxxx wireless Network”. well that is all. Now when you search for a wifi connection on your wifi device you would see the one  you just created connect to it and happy surfing.

Note: This will only work if the sharing system is not using wireless as its means of connection. if it is then the older guide would work for you.

hope this helps somebody.

Note: for some reasons i couldnt connect to the ad hoc wireless created using this guide wicd on my laptop (which uses mint-xfce) but i could connect and browse with my nokia N810 without a problem. so it must be an issue with wicd which i would find out more on.

Edit I can conforim that this guide works with Hardy Heron. But the network manager 0.7 has to be installed. to do this is quite easy.

first we add this repository to your sources.list with this command

echo deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/network-manager/ubuntu hardy main | sudo tee -a '/etc/apt/sources.list'

then we update and upgrade

sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade ; sudo update-icon-caches

once this is done reboot and you should have a new shinny network manager 0.7 plus all the goodies that comes with it.