So this month i decide to give my laptop an apple flavor, God knows how much i hate Macs and some element of their interface, like  the lack of right click-right out of the box (i initially stated that right clicks doesn’t work out of the box because the mac mini we have at work doesn’t do right-clicks but i have been informed that right-clicking on the mac does work if you have the right mouse), most of all the lack of freedom and ownership it and every other proprietary Operating system makes me feel.

The cool thing about Ubuntu performance tweaks is that it can be made to  look like anything you want, and why you may never be able to tweak your Mac or Windows to look like Gnome, its the direct opposite with Linux you can pretty much tweak your Interface anyhow you want. This month i decided to bring some of the elements i love about the Mac interface and add it with the best of gnome. The Intention here is not to create a clone of the Mac interface hence i am not changing my logging screen or system sound to something MACi its more of bringing together what i like about Gnome and the OSX shell.

After  all said and done here is what i came up with


gtk theme =  Gkt-theme MurrinaBlue (might not work well on ibex and lesser unless you are using the latest Murrine theme engine from svn)

* Emerald theme = Emerald – MurrinaBlue

* Icon =  Icon Theme Powered

* Fonts = Liberation ( Avaliable in the Ubuntu repositories)

* Wallpaper = Minimalistic Black and White

* Dock  = Gnome-do with the docky Interface

* Global Menu Bar for Gnome

So there you have it, This should be my default desktop look, till am bored again and need to try something new. or just return to the gnome old Default Gnome layout who knows