Amarok is argueably the best music player in the world. (ok that is my Opinion) But its really that good and i have yet to come across any music player that comes close .with Wikipedia lookup and lyrics download Magnatune integration, allowing no-cost full listening of all the music in their catalog, and DRM-free purchasing. sync with any music player like your ipod or iphone . You can read more about amarok here
one of the downside of amarok is that has your music library gets bigger amarok gets slowe and unstable.
Startup time take ages. This is because by Default Song collection, which includes specific folders on the filesystem. are stored in an internal SQLite database. The SQLite database struggles with very large music libraries.Thankfully amarok allows you to use an external Database like MySQL and Postgresql. i have tried MySQL before but the speed its gives you is nothing compared to what you get if you use postgresql .ok eneough talk lets get down to business. i am going to describe how i got my amarok to use postgres has database under Ubuntu .
First i installed Postgresql.
sudo aptitude install postgresql
Then we change the default password for postgres user
sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD '<*password*>'"
*replace *password* with your password
sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD '<yourpasswordhere>'"
Now we add a user to the postgres Database
sudo -u postgres createuser -D -A -P username
* username should be your systems user name
sudo -u postgres createuser -D -A -P bigbrovar
you would be promted for a password for the user you just created .
Next we create a database for amarok
sudo -u postgres createdb -O username amarok
* replace username with your systems username. as we did in the last command
sudo -u postgres createdb -O bigbrivar amarok
Next we configure amarok to use the postgres database we just setup for it .
Open amarok .then go to settings/configure amarok /collection
enter settings then using the username/password and amarok database just created. Set hostname to “localhost” and port to “5432“.
so using the examples i gave above
Database = Postgresql
Hostname = localhost
Database = amarok
Username = bigbrovar
Port = 5432
Password = password created for bigbrovar
*note the password should be the password of the user your added to the postgres database and not the Postgresql password .
Hope it works for you .